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Pushing the Industry Towards More Paperless Operations

Pushing the Industry Towards More Paperless Operations

April is Earth Month and Earth Day was not long ago, but truthfully speaking, isn’t Earth Day every day? Which means, this is the perfect time to discuss this! After all, there is no greater asset we’ve been given than life on this Earth, and we have the power to make huge changes to this Earth. We should be making them for the better because Earth is certainly going to outlive us. In the current global situation in the midst of this pandemic, people’s outlooks are turning bleak, and its impossible not to think about the long-term effects of COVID-19. Just like we are thinking about the future of social interactions, we need to think about the future of our energy assets and how we manage them. What are they going to look like in 10, 20, or 50 plus years? Certainly, in 20 years, we won’t be relying so heavily on paper products for things like data collection, forms and reports. There are tons of environmental as well as financial benefits to reducing paper usage, and the power of Pipetrak IT during pipeline construction helps your company reap those benefits.

You might be asking: how does Pipetrak IT save on paper use and wastage? Anytime a construction activity is completed, such as stringing, bending, or welding, there is someone to capture that activity on Pipetrak IT on a mobile device. X-rays and other tests can be logged and validated via mobile, and construction inspections are completed with the app as well. The beauty of Pipetrak IT is that you can have several devices, even hundreds of mobile devices being used at one time on one project. Imagine all of the paper that would go into a large-scale pipeline, and then think about having all of that paper on mobile and desktop devices instead. Not only are you confident about the preservation and accessibility of your documents, but the amount of valuable data you are getting from them gives you peace of mind. Using Pipetrak IT gives you real-time data management, meaning your company has insight into the project and its progress, and management decisions are able to be made in a timely manner. Just think of the impact of all of that saved time, your organization now has the ability to complete projects on time and sometimes even earlier than predicted.

We had similar systems, but they were old school, paper-based systems, and the benefits of Pipetrak IT was two-fold         

                                                                                                   – Fatih Erdem, TANAP

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Making the switch to digital processes actually gives your company more security in their data and documents, and it cuts down on costs associated with printing and storing paper. Losing your work is another thing that is non-negotiable. You would never want a day’s worth (or more) of work to go to waste. Harnessing Pipetrak IT’s digital processes helps in times of disasters as well. Flashback to Hurricane Harvey in Houston in 2017, when the floods from that Hurricane caused catastrophic damage to the city and surrounding areas and totalled about $125 billion in damage. Countless companies had their documents stored physically in job boxes, and the flooding destroyed thousands of crucial, irreplaceable documents. Losing these documents becomes not only frustrating but expensive. Meanwhile, a client that was using Pipetrak IT before and during this disaster, was still able to retrieve their documents from a large pipeline project, because they were stored digitally on the Pipetrak IT platform.

Nobody has the foresight to predict these types of events, but at all costs, we need to remember to stay proactive and remain aware of our surroundings, environment, and the way we do business. While paper usage will never be eliminated entirely, we can leverage the technology that is out there to greatly reduce our paper footprint and our dependency on paper documents alone. Our assets, and our biggest asset of all, Earth, depends on it.

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